
Friday, February 18, 2005

Physical Therapy

So today I went to my first physical therapy appointment. I have had pretty bad carpel tunnel for the last several weeks, and my ankle hasn't been the same since I twisted it two years ago. My brother in-law is a physical therapist, so my choice was obvious. After a consult I was hooked to an electro-shock therapy for my arm and iced both my ankle and arm down. Then I was given some stretches and exercises to do. I really hope that I can get my arm feeling better, I have gotten used to the pain in my ankle. Eventually though surgery on my ankle is inevitable.

Only two weeks left until my first mountain bike race. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I was hoping to be in St. George tonight and tomorrow to go pre-ride the course, but because the weather was raining down south I opted to not go. Hopefully I can get down there next weekend for a pre-ride.

Tomorrow is my daughters 1st birthday. It’s hard to believe that she is already one…


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