
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Senator Chris Buttars - The closed minded moron

So on the way to work this morning I listened to what possibly is the most closed minded idiotic senator of all time...Senate bio for Chris Buttars "The Mormon MORON"

I won't go into too much detail, but this guy needs to be removed from office. He had the audacity to say, "There is no proof of evolution". On the other end of the phone was a very level headed scientist that offered evidence and proof, and this guy wouldn’t listen. He wouldn’t and couldn’t answer the hard questions and continually sidestepped the facts. Oh yes sir, you are a moron. 40 years ago the prophet said evolution is 100% wrong, so evolution is wrong. This is closed minded thinking at its best, and he is one of the reasons that there is so much animosity towards the LDS church from non-members. Not all Mormons are that closed minded, and having him as a representative of the church is hurtful. Chris didn’t need any help, but the scientist and host certainly helped Chris make a moron out of himself. The scientist even went so far as to explain how there are many religious scientists that believe in creationism and evolution, and that there is a place to believe in both if you chose. That is the key word – choice. When I went to school we were taught many different theories and ideologies on the matter, and I was left to chose what I believe. Why do we need a law to force something that is already being taught?

We don’t need any more new laws, and we certainly don’t need to waste my tax dollars to force teachers to teach creationism in school. That is something that can much better be taught at home or at church, where it belongs. To top it off laws of this nature have already been proven unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

Chris, please go away.


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