$5.00 a gallon for gas?
So I read an intersting article about gas prices possibly topping more than $5.00 a gallon by 2006. I hope he is wrong, but I will laugh my ass off at all the idiots with thier gas guzzling SUVs and trucks that drive themselves to and from work every day. I'm not against owning a truck or SUV as long as you use it for its intended purpose. I own a truck, and I use it to tow a boat and for going to the dump or to Home Depot for wood etc. Otherwise I ride my motorcycle year round and get between 30-40 miles per gollon. Right now it costs about me 10 dollars to fill my tank, and that lasts about a week. I know people that spend 4-5 times that, and at 5 bucks a gallon it will cost me $130 to fill up my truck with gas (two 15 gallon tanks). If gas hits $5.00 a gallon you bet your a$$ I will be riding my bicycle to and from work instead of my motorcycle and save myself $100 bucks a month. How you liking that Escalade and H2 now? Sell them now while you can, because by mid 2006 you might not be able to. I don't forsee anything in the near future fixing this problem, but I hope I am wrong. Guess if I start seeing a bunch of rednecks buyng scooters in 2006 I will know if I am right or wrong.
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