
Sunday, February 03, 2008

It's gonna snow?

So the WeatherTards™ are at it again, predicting snow all day. Even my Google desktop weather station shows that it is snowing outside, all I see is clouds. I opened up the radar, and hell it sure does look like a big one is coming, but I am betting that nothing big happens. WeatherTards™.com They show the following (oh, and these are all different than they were two hours ago):
12:00 PM - 100% chance of Precipitation - it's now noon and its not snowing...WTF?
1:00 PM - 100% chance of Precipitation
2:00 PM - 100% chance of Precipitation
3:00 PM - 100% chance of Precipitation
4:00 PM - 90% chance of Precipitation
5:00 PM - 90% chance of Precipitation
6:00 PM - 80% chance of Precipitation
7:00 PM - 70% chance of Precipitation
8:00 PM - 60% chance of Precipitation
9:00 PM - 60% chance of Precipitation
10:00 PM - 70% chance of Precipitation
11:00 PM - 80% chance of Precipitation
12:00 PM - 80% chance of Precipitation

Nice job on predicting the weather, I am sure glad I drove my truck instead of my car (about a 10 MPG difference). These damn WeatherTards™ are costing me money!

On a side note, I am at work doing homework and chasing a memory leak. I am struggling in my math class, and I don't know what to do.



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