
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Study Finds That Cell Phone Use Quadruples Car Crash Risk!

IT'S ABOUT TIME!!! I ride a motorcycle as my main form of transportation. I am constantly badgered about how unsafe it is, and at least two of my friends have wife’s that will not let them buy a motorbike because "they will die". I'm not going to try to make this a "bikes are safe" rant, but the truth is as a biker there are many things you can do to be safer. And others like people that use cell phones that you can’t control. Not everyone that rides gets killed; that I think everyone can agree with. MSN today has a story about how cellphones quadruple car crash risk. Now you want to know what scares me is some blond ho-bag in her GMC Yukon yapping away on her phone plowing me over on the way to her Pilates class. She probably wouldn't even know I was there, must have been a big pothole. For this reason (and others) I choose not to own a cell phone. People are bad enough drivers as it is and can't seem to understand why I get so angry when I pull up to a stoplight watching them gab away. Occasionally I will try to see just how many people are on the phone and driving at the same time, and it is astonishing. I would bet that sometimes it is as high as 1/3 of the people on a given road. I have even gone so far as to pull off the road and let someone pass because I see them talking on the phone behind me. At least with them in front I stand a chance of getting out of the way. I hate to ask for new laws that infringe on freedoms, but PLEASE MAKE DRIVING WHILE DISTRACTED A LAW, and please enforce it! The motorcycle cops will camp out all day at one particular spot and hand out tickets for speeding (in an area where if you simply coast you will go too fast), and your insurance will go up if you are caught. Speeding 5-10 over the limit can't possible quadruple your risk of an accident? Why aren't the insurance companies screaming at the top of their lungs to get this through. The penalties should be stiff too, like a DUI. Pull over to answer your phone or lose your license. Oh, and while the lawmakers are at it, lets add a helmet law, and a lane splitting law for motorbikes too. Then lets change the name lawmakers to law-maintainers. We have too many stupid laws already; lets fix the ones the screwed up the first time.


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