To Race or Not to Race, That is the Question?
This weekend is the XTERRA CHALLENGE in Ogeden. I have competed in one triathalon before and I did quite well (2nd in my age group) but that was before I got fat (see previous posts). When I saw the comercial for this upocoming event it peaked my interest again. As I got ready this morning watching the news I saw the comercial again and went to the web to investigate. I was suprised to see that they actually have a clydesdale class for us fat guys, and I recognized a few of the guys entered as people I raced with in the Intermountain Cup race series last year. Well hell, I really want to do this now. The swim is only 1000 meters, which is just a little over 1/2 a mile. I swim a mile on my lunch break no problem. The bike ride is 12 miles, again no big deal, I do that at lunch a few times a week. The 4 mile run is what I worry about. I haven't ran that far in years. I guess worst case I walk the 4 miles. Race registration cost is $115.00 which is a little steep. Do I do it?