
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Breaking the law or civil disobendience?

So the last several weeks (since school started at the U) traffic on foothill has gotten quite bad, and last week I had enough waiting in a long line of traffic and I began lane splitting. In Utah this is illegal. In the current market I believe that we will begin to see more and more motorcycles on the road which I think is good, but we need to get a lane splitting law on the books in Utah. I would happily trade having no real helmet law with having a lane splitting law. This would promote the use of motorcycles as people would see that motorcycle don't get stuck in traffic the same way cars do. So far I haven't had anyone honk at me, or so much as give me a glance. I think they realize that I am helping traffic move more quickly by splitting the lane to the front of the line while sitting at a traffic light. I think as long as I am not so unlucky as to come all the way to a stop light with a police officer sitting at the front there is no way that an officer in traffic will be able to catch me in the act. I am going to consider it my act of civil disobedience. I figure that if enough of us motorcyclists start doing it they will either turn a blind eye because we all do it, or it will raise enough interest to catch the eye of our idiot law makers up on the hill.

