
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Utah Taxes Suck!

So I just completed my 2007 income taxes. Good news is that I am getting a decent Federal return, and maybe even more based on the stimulus package that was passed today. The bad news is that I have to pay even more than the already ridiculous amount that they stole from my paychecks. Not to even mention the sales tax we have paid, and the ownership tax I paid for owning a cars and a house. By the time it is all done I will be paying about 15% of my salary is going to this fooking state! Nice conservative state of Utah, that is supposed to be full of Conservative (no spending) Republicans. All I have to say to every law maker in the state of Utah is FUCK YOU!

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008


So between Discrete Math and my CS class I am hammered. I was up until 3:00 this morning doing homework. I suppose it is partially my fault, I am sure I could have found some time last weekend to get a little ahead.

Monday, January 21, 2008

OK, now it's fooking snowing!

So the blond was only off by about 24 hours, and the storm swept in from the west, and not from the east. Does that mean she gets credit because we now will get 5-10"? I can't even get out of the driveway until the plow comes and clears the road, so I slept in.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Fooking weathertards, part again...

So this morning (as is the usual Sunday morning repertoire) we watched the news in bed. An lo and behold, the wetherTard(tm) predicted snow starting this morning and getting heavy this afternoon. As the scrawny blond Lindsay Storrs (I swear if she turned sideways she would disappear, but then again, what should I expect? - She did graduate from BYU) started the morning by telling us how snow would start this morning and get heavier in the early afternoon. Expect from 5-10" she continued. Every 10 minutes or so my FireFox weather pop-up warns me about the storm that is coming. The whole time I look at the radar that they are showing on TV, and say to my wife, "what the hell are they talking about?" The radar has a few small blips on it, but no "major" storm is coming our way. So now it is 1:30, there is no snow, and I can see blue sky to the west. I swear if I was wrong this often I wouldn't have a job anymore! I should learn not to listen to the scrawny blond anymore, I can't stand looking at her anyhow. Maybe I should start my own weather station, there is no way I could be wrong more often than they are.

